Pro AV Catalog
Panasonic has announced the immediate availability of Barry Green’s A Guide to the Panasonic AU-EVA1 Camera, a comprehensive reference eBook for customers and users of the 5.7K Super 35mm AU-EVA1 compact cinema camera. The eBook can be downloaded for free at .
Author/filmmaker Barry Green takes you through every menu, setting and function on the Panasonic AU-EVA1 in this step-by-step eBook. The eBook includes a quick orientation to basic principles for shooters and in-depth walk-throughs of the camera's unique capabilities.
Also available are a series of how-to videos that Green has created to help you achieve EVA1’s full potential. These ten videos include information on EVA1 formats, achieving proper focus, working with Dual Native ISOs, navigating menus, working with scene files, shooting in variable frame rates, and more. The videos can be viewed on Panasonic's official YouTube channel at as well as the ebook’s web page ( ).
Barry Green is an Emmy® award-winning producer/writer who has authored many books on the operations of Panasonic professional camcorders.
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