Pro AV Catalog

Product Info
Tech Specs
This high pass filter rolls off low audio frequencies to reduce 60Hz electrical hum, low-frequency wind noise, air conditioner noise, or stand- and floor-transmitted low-frequency vibrations. When loaded with a low-impedance microphone input (800 ohms or more), the rolloff is 12 dB per octave below 100 Hz. When loaded with 150 ohms, the rolloff is 3 dB at 100 Hz. The output is flat above the rolloff point (with a maximum loss of 0.5 dB at 1 kHz).
- Frequency Response: Flat above rolloff point; –0.5 dB maximum at 1 kHz
- Impedance: Designed for 150 ohm rated microphones and inputs
- Distortion: 2.5% maximum (100 mV input, open circuit output)
- Overall Length: Designed to mate with Cannon XL series, Switchcraft A3 series, or equivalent; Input: 3-socket connector; Output: 3–pin connector
- Case: Full magnetic shield, steel with gray enamel finish
- Dimensions: 19 mm (3/4 in.) diameter; 114 mm (4 1/2 in.) long
User guide for High Pass Filter
27 kb
- Instructions
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Texolve Digital Inc.
201A Ann Street
Oakmont, PA 15139
(724) 337-1685
Contact in regards to this product:
Shure Incorporated
Model: A15HP
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